Friggar's Mill
The mill was built in 1874 and the owner then was Tomas Broman. It was a well-equipped mill with two pairs of stones. Its location on the many-thousand-year-old Litorina embankment has provided good wind from all directions. It can be mentioned that approx. 150. from the mill in the western direction there is a well-preserved shipwreck. All the stone for the mill building was taken from the green fields near Hammars, about two km. from the mill. Both oxen and horses were used for driving, and Tomas had his sister Maria and father Lars Petter Broman (1818-1890) to help him with this. The wings of the mill differed from most others on the island, with their draft sails instead of hatches. The mill was in use for a few years into the 1950s and the owner was then Oskar Broman. It was used by many Fårö residents as well as people from the mainland, as it was well known that the mill with its double pairs of stones produced fine flour. During the war years, many nights were spent grinding. Erik Broman (son of Oskar Broman) has told that the mill lost a pair of its wings in an autumn storm in 1953. He has also told about his great-grandfather Lars Petter Broman's healing arts. The Får Islanders often came to him when they had pains, burning or wounds. He had concocted a salve from the products that nature could give him; and it is still said today that there was nothing better than Broman's salve. During the 1960s, the mill began to be used as a holiday home. Today, nothing remains of the mill's former internal equipment. The mill body has a new gabled roof, with eaves and wind spiers, and inside the mill building a tasteful and practical interior has been created for textile arts and crafts and comfortable rest. Source: Gosta Persson & Fårö pension association (SPF) Fårös mills

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